Monday, May 7, 2007

African Independence

Well African Independence started after world War II Africa wanted to change it wanted to have it's own independence because they did not want to return to colonial domination like any other countries. Only Egypt, Liberia and Ethiopiawere independent at this time.African 1975 most of the places were Independent countries EX.3 Alegria,
Sudan Uganda , Kenya. Other places had little colonies EX.4 like Spanish Sahara,
South West Africa. A lot of places changed to Independent countries. In Africa 1975
Before there were more colonies in Africa 1955. Some of the leaders were Lumumba he became the first nation prime minister. He divided the turn some of the country's what they are now.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution is the term for the first agricultural revolution.The Neolithic Revolution locations on most continents between 12-10 thousand years ago. It was also known as the "New Stone Age the Neolithic Revolution was a changed in the way people lived, it shifts from hunting and gathering to agriculture which then led to permanent settlements. It was all about how people were able to developed things from one stage to another.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The European Union

The European Union consisted of 25 countries the twenty five nations wanted to change the society of Europe. I think it is a good thing because it made a powerful nation in the world. Also the European Union has a strong economic and political nation. It was also a good thing because people that lived in the European Union could work in the nation. These are the successfulness of the European Union.

"The Right Stuff"

The movie "The Right Stuff," there were a lot of competition against the United States and Russia. The United States had the first man to orbit around the Earth once. While in Russia, there was the first man in space. Russia was winning the competition because they sent the first satellite in space. The United States did was to put the first man on the moon. The scene that will remain in my head is when the men were tring to breathe as hard as possible to see who has the strongest lung capacity.

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis was part of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.On October 15, 1962, At this time of year the Soviet Union's leader thought of the idea of putting missiles in Cuba.The Soviet Unions missiles were powerful enough to destroy Europe. When hearing of the Soviet Unions plan President John F Kennedy quickly stopped the Cuban Missile Crisis because he thought it would harm others.

Friday, April 20, 2007

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

NATO, means National Atlantic Treaty Organization,is the largest exhibition trade organization in the world, representing more than 29,000 movie screens in all 50 states, and additional cinemas in more than 40 countries worldwide.Well the purpose of this organization was that Europe and North America wanted a mutual defense alliance just in case any of them were attacked by another country so NATO was there to help them

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

I think that the US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945 is the number one news story of the century.Because the Atomic bombing took so many innocent lives away. The Atomic bombing took place in Japan one of the bombs where called Fat Boy which was the first Atomic bomb that dropped in Hiroshima.The next bomb was called Little Boy , Little Boy was the second bomb which was dropped in Nagasaki, many people had die had from the radiation of the bombs.